Make sure that you have the following tools installed: You can fork the complete source code on GitHub, or you can see the finished app in action. This is a hands-on from start to finish tutorial with all steps outlined. In the end, we'll use AWS to host the application. In this post, we'll use Vue.js and Cloudinary to apply some image manipulation techniques to the images that we'll fetch using the Giphy API in the demo application that we'll build. It isn’t worthwhile to discuss X being slow or Y being better until you try it for your specific use case and preference.Do your research, pick a framework-any framework-that the community is using, use it, and see how far it gets you.Stop with the ‘analysis paralysis’ discussion.I tend to answer general 'framework war' kind of questions in the following way: React, Angular, AngularJS, Ember, Knockout, Polymer, Riot If we chose our JavaScript Framework like we chose our music….If you want to check out some detailed comparisons between popular frontend frameworks, here are three great posts: